Emergency Resources Now Accessible
- "9-1-1 Call If you Can. Text If You Can't"
- How Do I Text 9-1-1?
- Enter the numbers "911" in the "To" field.
- Text message should be brief and include:
- Location
- Type of emergency
- "Send" message.
- Be prepared to answer questions and follow instructions from the 9-1-1 personnel.
- Text in simple words - do not use abbreviations.
- How Do I Text 9-1-1?
- Feeling Hopeless? Do you want to talk with someone right now? You now have TWO NEW WAYS to connect to help. Informational FLYER about how to use both services
- The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States.
- For more information about Contact 988:
- The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States.
- DeafLEAD provides a videophone crisis line in American Sign Language (ASL) for people who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- For more information about DeafLEAD:
- FirstLink FirstLink is a free, confidential service available to anyone 24/7/365 for listening and support, referrals to resources/help and crisis intervention. FirstLink answers the 211 help line, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and communicates via Text line 898-211. FirstLink provides these services across the entire state of North Dakota and parts of Minnesota.
- Dial 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898-211 from anywhere in our service area for confidential help and support.
- Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline ANYTIME 24/7/365 to speak to a trained counselor at:
- 1-800-273-8255 (Voice)
- 1-800-799-4889 (TTY) or 741741 (text)
- If you are a Veteran, call 1-800-799-4889 (Voice), or text to 838255 to speak to a counselor.
- Alcohol Anonymous (AA) (Online Intergroup)
ND State Agencies
- ND State Portal:
- EduTech:
- ND School for the Blind:
- ND Department of Public Instruction:
- ND State Library:
- ND Division of Vocational Rehabilitation:
- ND Assistive: Brings assistive technology into the lives of all North Dakotans that need it, no matter age, needs, or disability.
City of Devils Lake and Educational Entities
- City of Devils Lake and Area:
- Devils Lake Tourism:
- Devils Lake Public Schools:
- Lake Region State College (Devils Lake, ND):
About Relay North Dakota
- TTY users call 1-800-366-6888
- Voice users call toll free 1-800-366-6889 Check out this web site which covers all the modern and convenient features offered by Relay North Dakota, including several new and exciting services. Amongst these are Voice Carryover brought to you by VCO Direct, and Internet Relay Service brought to you by North Dakota TRS eliminates barriers and opens the lines of communication to all North Dakota residents.
American Sign Language (ASL)
- Live ASL dictionary shows a variety of ways to sign a word depending upon its context or meaning.
- Shows how a word is signed in various countries of the world. Also shows the manual alphabets from different countries as well as the signs for each country.
- Practice ASL Online {to fully use this site you may have pay a small membership fee}
- Signing Savvy (Your Sign Language Resource)
- Sign With Me Baby or infant sign language is the use of Sign Language to communicate with infants and toddlers. Sign language is a perfect transition to verbal speak because hand-eye coordination develops earlier than verbal abilities.
- What's the SIGN for? Sign for a word will be demonstrated from various locations in the US and Canada.
- "Hands and Wrists: Learning American Sign Language" This website is filled with links to additional resources about ASL divided into the following areas: (1) What is American Sign Language; (2) Communication Needs for the Deaf; (3) Sign Language Practice Websites; (4) Additional ASL Resources
- Great resource for beginners. The American Sign Language, or ASL, is the most commonly used sign language among deaf people in the United States, as well as certain regions of Canada and Mexico. It is also used by people in a number of South American, Asian, and African countries. Presently, it is estimated that ASL is the main language for between half a million to two million people in the US, and these consist of deaf people as well as instructors of the deaf.
Accessibility Features
- Zoom catches up with new accessibility features for sign language interpretation
Colleges for the Deaf in the United States
- Gallaudet University (Washington, D.C.): Located in Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University is the only liberal arts college for the deaf in the world. It's graduated 19,000 students who've majored in such rewarding and career-enhancing subjects as arts and media, business, human services, humanities, language/culture, and science/math/technology. Some 2000 students enroll at Gallaudet yearly. In addition, Gallaudet has an undergraduate program for hearing students.
- National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID): Located in Rochester, NY the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) is the first and largest technological college in the world for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. One of nine colleges within the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in Rochester, New York, NTID provides academic programs, access, ASL in-class interpreters, and support services—including on-site audiological, speech-language, and cochlear implant support.
- Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf (SWCID): Located in Big Spring, TX. The Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf, a community college for the deaf is part of the Howard County Junior College District. Opened in 1980 and designed for deaf students who want to prepare to go on to Gallaudet University or NTID, SWCID offers associate-degree and certification programs. Students may also use Howard College facilities and services for activities including athletics, student organizations, and class internships.
Deaf Culture / Deaf-initions: Terminology
- History and heritage
- "Perspectives on deaf people"
- Commonly asked questions
- "Deaf-mute", "deaf and dumb", or "hearing-impaired?"
- ASL and English: What's the difference?
"One possible definition of U.S. Deaf culture (and there must be many!) is a social, communal, and creative force of, by, and for Deaf people based on American Sign Language (ASL). It encompasses communication, social protocol, art, entertainment, recreation (e.g., sports, travel, and Deaf clubs), and worship." (Source:
- Deaf-initions: terminology: Terms that relate to Being Deaf and to those people who have a Deaf gain (the opposite of "hearing loss"). The terms mean different things to different societies: hearing society and Deaf society.
Educational Resources for the Deaf/HH
- Ultimate List of Resources for Students with Disabilities ( Navigating the academic landscape can be difficult, particularly for individuals with impairments. Fortunately, many resources are available to help these students cope, succeed, and thrive. Here’s a comprehensive list of 21 helpful resources to support students with disabilities, each a valuable tool in the academic journey. Detailed subheadings provide more information on each resource, inviting you to explore further.
- Described and Captioned Media Program: DCMP continues to support families and educators with FREE Remote Learning resources.
- Families and educators who have at least one student with a disability can register for a free membership and access over 8,000 captioned and described educational videos.
- Teachers can create Student Accounts, group students, together in Classes, and assign videos to students and Classes. Learn more here.
- Users can instantly choose “captioned” or “described” with the Language/Accessibility button found under the video player.
- Many accessible videos are available without a membership and can be viewed by anyone without registering. View non-member titles
- There are many free resources and educational items available for parents and children. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of free educational resources, support, and products for deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
- CDC Hearing Loss for Children: This section includes website addresses, contact information, and brief descriptions for organizations, agencies, and corporations that provide information related to children with hearing loss and their families. Websites of the U.S. government are indicated by the phrase “(Federal Website)” after the name of the agency.
- The Decibels Foundation: Remote learning resources.
- Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center: This section of Info to Go includes resources focusing on educational placement and planning, including accommodations, and instructional practices used in the education of students who are deaf and hard of hearing. For more information about deaf education in general, see the "Deaf Education" section. For more information about legal concerns, see the "Legislation and Policies" section.
Emergency Preparedness
- Emergency Preparedness 36 videos on Emergency Preparedness Topics in English and American Sign Language
- Readyin3: Planning for Emergencies: Three Steps to be Prepared A Family Safety Guide
- Health, Safety and Emergencies: Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Guides
- USDA Emergency-Preparedness: Lists the steps to take to before, during and after a weather emergency, food and fire safety.
- Videos with ASL interpreters advising how to prepare for 18 emergency hazards.
- CDC: Natural Disasters and Severe Weather
Financial and Support Resources
- Financial and Support Resources for People with Hearing Loss: Hearing loss affects millions of Americans in various ways but finding the right resources can help you face the challenges. This website is filled with information to provide some assistance.
Legislation and Regulations (state and federal)
- ND Dept of Instruction Special Education - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that all children and youth with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. NDDPI provides oversight of the special education programs within North Dakota. NDDPI designs and implements policies and procedures for carrying out the requirements of the IDEA and ensures compliance with those policies and procedures. Compliance is documented and ensured through the monitoring process, technical assistance, training, and dispute resolution processes.
- ND K12 Content Standards: North Dakota Content Standards serve as expectations for what students should know and be able to do for each grade span. The standards serve as goals for teaching and learning. In North Dakota, the content standards serve as a model. Each school district may set more rigorous standards; however, no district shall use any state content standards less rigorous than those set forth in the North Dakota Century Code 15.1-21.
- US Dept of Education: Every Student Succeeds Act - The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law on December 10, 2015. It reauthorizes the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was previously reauthorized as No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The new law builds on key areas of progress in recent years and ongoing efforts to improve educational opportunities for all students in North Dakota. The NDDPI staff continue to review the law and will engage in deliberate stakeholder involvement throughout this process through the formation of the ESSA Planning Committee. On September 1, 2017, the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction received official approval of the North Dakota State ESSA Plan.
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children.The IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities.
Local/National Association of the Deaf
- The North Dakota Association of the Deaf, Inc. (NDAD), a statewide political advocacy organization serving the deaf and hard of hearing citizens in the state of North Dakota (
- CSD (also known as Communication Service for the Deaf, Inc.) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing broad-based services, ensuring public accessibility, and increasing public awareness of issues affecting deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Through global leadership and a continuum of quality communication services and human service programs, CSD provides the tools conducive to a positive and fully integrated life (
- The National Association of the Deaf (NAD), founded in 1880, safeguards the civil rights of deaf and hard of hearing Americans. As a national federation of state associations, individual members, and organizational and corporate affiliates, the advocacy work of the NAD encompasses a broad spectrum of areas including, but not limited to, accessibility, education, employment, healthcare, mental health, rehabilitation, technology, telecommunications, and transportation. The NAD Web site has a wealth of advocacy information and resources.
- Your gateway to the deaf community (
- The Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans (MCDHH) is a Governor appointed Commission that advocates for equal opportunity for Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing.
Medical - Health Resources (including Coronavirus)
- is your site for free, reliable health information for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) community, health and educational providers, interpreters, and partnerships worldwide. Our health information is clear and easy to understand. Experts make sure our information is up to date. Our consulting, training, mentoring, and advocacy services are available to national and international medical, educational, government, research, professional and community organizations. Check us out for information about your health!
- WebMD has created an organization that we believe fulfills the promise of health information on the Internet. We provide credible information, supportive communities, and in-depth reference material about health subjects that matter to you. We are a source for original and timely health information as well as material from well-known content providers.
- MedicineNet: Medical definition of Deafness; Ear Infection; Swimmers Ear; Ear Infection Diagnosis; Middle Ear Infections; Rupture Eardrum; Ear Infection Home Remedies & Antibiotics and more
- Deaf-Patients-Health Misconceptions: There are many misconceptions people are not aware of about Deaf culture. (For example, did you know some people in the Deaf community prefer to capitalize the word “deaf”?)
- Taking Care of Someone Who is Deaf: If you have recently found yourself in a situation where you are taking care of a loved one who is deaf or hard of hearing, you may be struggling to help them. Furthermore, you will need to learn to manage the stress of taking care of another person to avoid caregiver burnout. This article will address many of the most common issues that you may face while taking care of someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.
- National Center for Deaf Health Research: The Rochester Prevention Research Center: National Center for Deaf Health Research (RPRC:NCDHR) partners with the Deaf community and the community of people with hearing loss. The mission is to promote health and prevent disease with populations of Deaf sign language users and people with hearing loss through community-based participatory research (CBPR).
- The Deaf Wellness Center at the University of Rochester has produced two informational videos in American Sign Language; "Flu Guidance for Parents" and "Flu Guidance for Adults," which have been featured on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. Click here for the link to the CDC's flu resource page, including the two ASL videos.
- A Guide for School Nurses Treating Deaf Patients: Communication: The problem and the solution to adequate health care for Deaf patients.
- Language Access Network: The national leader in video remote interpreting for the healthcare industry.
- Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Losses (AMPHL): Provides information, promote advocacy and mentorship, and create a network for those with hearing loss interested in or working in healthcare
- The Hearing Journal: Established in 1947, The Hearing Journal is the leading publication in hearing health care; and provides accurate, timely and practical information to over 22,000 hearing healthcare professionals as well as the latest development in patient care, technology, practice management, and professional issues.
Health information resources/health now available on your MOBILE device
You can now sign up for information to be sent to your mobile phone or PDA on seasonal flu, H1N1 flu, public health emergencies and more. This is made available by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at no cost. However, standard text messaging rates may apply. Click here to learn more about health information on your mobile device. CDC highlights flu guidance videos in ASL.
Mental Health
- 45 Tools and Resources for Student Mental Health ( The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that depression and anxiety in children and teens have increased over time, and more than 5 out of 10 children between the ages of 3 and 17 with behavior disorders have needed treatment.
- Drug Rehab Centers in North Dakota, United States – Directory ( People that are either deaf or hard of hearing are obviously susceptible to the same mental health conditions as everybody else, but sometimes it can be extra difficult for them to find help because of the communication barrier. With this search tool, they can easily look up the nearest rehabilitation facility that can accurately and easily provide the help they need.
- North Dakota Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers Near You - Addiction Resource ND Alcohol and Drug Rehabs near you
- Dual Diagnosis: Addiction And Mental Health Disorders ( Dual Diagnosis: Co-Occurring Addiction And Mental Health Disorders
- Detox And Rehab Centers In Devils Lake, ND - Detox Rehabs Here at DetoxRehabs at, our overall goal is to provide trusted resources, relevant information, and referral services for addicted individuals and their families.
Post Secondary Resources / Support Guides / Scholarships
- College Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: Great resource to prepare and assist deaf and hard of hearing individuals planning to attend post-secondary educational institutions.
- Resource Guide for College Students with Disabilities: College is a great time with new experiences, new friends, and lifelong memories. It should be accessible to everyone, and students with disabilities should be able to enjoy an education with any assistance, accommodation, or access they may need. There are many legal rights students with disabilities have, so students who are going to college should prepare and investigate in advance in order to have the best experience.
Supporting Students with Hearing Impairments: Tools, Technology and Key Resources to Cultivate Academic Success: Accredited Schools Online is a comprehensive accreditation resource that provides prospective students and families with the tools needed to make well-informed decisions about their education including Elementary, Middle Schools, High Schools, College, Graduate and Vocational Schools.
As you know, deaf or hard of hearing students face a host of unique challenges in the classroom and on campus. With this guide, we've attempted to highlight those struggles as well as provide helpful advice and showcase resources that may aid the student. Some key elements of the guide include:
Tech tools for students with hearing impairments
How schools create more audible environments
Scholarships for students with hearing impairments
College Students Guide to Ergonomics: Super-helpful information and tips for college students on how to stay safe and keep active
Social Work Education Guides: -Focuses extensively on helping job seekers, professionals, and students understand the changing landscapes of these programs and their impact on careers and employment.
- Scholarships for College Students: - With an estimated 1.7 million scholarships worth $46 billion up for grabs each year in the United States, applying for a college scholarship seems like an easy decision for the majority of students. Yet only 7% of students receive a scholarship, and $100 million in scholarships is left unclaimed annually. Why does this money remain on the table? The simple answer is that students are either unaware that they can apply or they are applying incorrectly. Explore our scholarship database below and put together a list of options that best match your own criteria and circumstances. Don’t leave your scholarship on the table.
- About Getting Scholarships: Every year there is a request for a list of scholarships for deaf and hard of hearing students. While the list is provided, the following should be considered. Just because you have a hearing loss does not mean you will get the scholarship. It really is a subjective process meaning that the applicant has to find a way to make their application stand out from the others to make it to the finals.
- Trade School Guide for Students with Disabilities The guide provides information and expert tips to help these students feel confident in their choice of postsecondary education and career goals. It discusses the benefits of vocational training, choosing the right program to suit their goals and requirements, and how to pay for school. This comprehensive guide is not specific to beauty school students, but the students we serve certainly benefit from the tips and information provided.
- The scholarships listed are specifically for students with disabilities and are relevant to all vocational and trade school programs; many extend to any tuition-based education program. Please note: the scholarships in this list renew each year, and I will be refreshing the list twice annually to be sure to include new scholarships.
Transcription / Speech-to-Text Options
- ClearCaptions: Telephones "Get the whole conversation"
- C-Print (RIT/NTID): Using speech-to-text as communication access and support service option.
- Typewell: Using advanced abbreviation software a trained Typewell transcriber captures spoken content and generates an immediate meaning-for-meaning transcript in clear English text. Commonly used by individuals with hearing loss or who need additional support.
- Speech-to-Text Apps: A list of tested speech to text apps that are available for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People in 2020. Are they easy to use and do they offer multiple uses and how well do they perform?
- Speech-to-Text Apps - List of some apps compiled by the NDSD/RCDHH School-Aged Outreach Department that students with hearing loss may want to try when they are in a difficult listening situation. This includes everyone wearing masks. Hope you find it useful.
Video Relay Service Providers (VRS)
- Sorenson is a free, 24-hour service that enables users to place and receive calls through a professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter via a videophone and a high-speed internet connection.
- Plus Sorenson nTouch Videophone's new features
- Purple Communications provides Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals and business owners a means to communicate over video desktop and mobile devices with hearing individuals in real time using American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters. This service is free to our Deaf and hard-of-hearing customers.
- The Z (ZVRS) allows deaf and hard of hearing individuals to have telephone conversations with hearing people. Using a videophone with real-time video connection, an interpreter relays the conversation between the two parties available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Find a complete list of VRS providers on the FCC website
- Virtual VRI:
Helpful Sites
- Ask a QUESTION -- To hopefully get an answer
- Accessible features in Microsoft Windows 10 and Office 365 -- These features are listed under broader categories of vision, cognitive, hearing, and mobility so people with specific disabilities can see what features work best for them.
- Tax Tips -- One in five Americans has a severe hearing loss yet may not be aware of the special tax deductions and credits allowed by the Internal Revenue Service. Knowing about these deductions and credits can help you know which receipts and paperwork to save so you can claim them on your taxes.